Rescue Stories

Wonderful stories about rescuing pets and saving lives! If you love dog stories with happy endings or want to learn more about the joys and challenges of dog adoption, browse these heartwarming stories for an up close and personal look. We hope you’ll consider pet adoption as your first option if you plan to get a new pet!

personal dog stories rescue

Rescue Awareness Series

Dog Treats Interview Series
Make sure to check out this section featuring awesome interviews with rescue pups and owners about adoption and the joys of pet rescue. If you’re considering getting a new pet, these firsthand accounts can teach you more about the benefits of pet rescue. We hope you enjoy these wonderful stories by dog lovers from all over the world who chose to save their pet’s lives!

Pet Rescue Stories

Foster Boy Enzo

New Foster Doggy DJ

When A Human Gets Stuck in The Shelter

Halfway There Rescue

Foster Puppy, Bethany

Our New Rescue Schnauzer

Saving Sony

Saving Scarlett

Our Foster Puppy, Chelsea

Newest Family Addition: Sweet Puppy Chelsea

Roory the Rescue Kitty

My Wish for Shelter Pups

We appreciate your comments, woofs and meows!